Author Archives: Admin Team

White Rose Fuels Loves Selby!

Established in 1970, White Rose Fuels proudly supplies domestic heating oil, gas oil and road diesel to homes, farms and businesses across the Selby area.

Selby town has a fantastic market and lots of cultural activities that the local residents are very proud of. Selby is quite a small town at the centre of over 80 parishes and hamlets.

In 2011, a survey carried out by property company Savills – found Selby and York to be two of the nation’s most popular places to live in the country. It is thought that the great transport links, proximity of York & Leeds, superb college and thriving nightlife helped it Selby gain this status.


Selby’s housing offers just about everything the house buyer or investor could want. Choose from town centre waterfront apartments, new starter homes, large family Victorian homes and high-end individual properties.


More recently, the introduction of Selby’s answer to Castleford’s Xscape, the Summit Indoor Adventure was born. Creating jobs and giving people a place to socialise and exercise, the complex was welcomed with open arms. Here you can try your hand at the adventure climb, indoor ski, adventure play, aerial trek, ride & skate or ten pin bowling.

Selby AbbeyThe Abbey

You can’t talk about Selby without mentioning the hidden Gem of Yorkshire, Selby Abbey. Founded in AD1069 and having stood for almost 1,000 years, the Abbey is a testament to endurance during some of England’s most destructive periods in history. The Abbey still remains a living, vibrant part of the local community.

Barlow Common Nature Reserve

Formerly a common used by locals grazing their stock, it was later acquired by a local railway company, where Barlow Common Nature Reserve was born. The site now boasts a fantastic diversity of butterflies, birds and wildflowers. The nature reserve is always looking for volunteers to help out!


Amongst the thriving live music scene, Selby Town Hall is regarded as one of the best live venues in the area (as officially recognised by winning the Yorkshire Evening Post’s Nightlife Award). Selby Town Council has been running the Town Hall since 2003, with regular performances of music, dance, drama and comedy. Some of the more notable performances at the Town Hall have featured The Ukulele Orchestra of Great Britain, Dara O’Briain, The Wombats, Jenny Eclair, Chris Farlowe, Jeremy Hardy, Two Door Cinema Club, Alan Carr, Midge Ure, Wilko Johnson, Steve Howe and Jon Richardson.

The Stage

If the large choice of bars, restaurants or live music isn’t your thing, why not try the Jorvik Theatre & Arts Centre where you can expect to see a mix of amateur Shakespeare, Musicals, Murder Mysteries, Cabarets and Pantomimes.

Selby Park

Take a stroll in the five acres of beautiful gardens. Where you will see decorative planting, a play area for the kids, a Bowling Green, mini golf and picnic area.

What is ‘Boiler Lockout’?

Boiler lockout is a term relating to the shutdown of your heating boiler. If your boiler locks out it will stop functioning and the display will start to flash with an error code.

Determine boiler lockout by looking for error codes and/or flashing red or green lights.

What causes ‘boiler lockout’?

Oil boilers have an excellent service record, however boiler lock out can still occur. Older boilers will be more prone to boiler lock out.  This phenomenon can occur for several reasons, you may have run low or completely out of heating oil, there may have been a power cut, low pressure in the boiler or a more serious component failure.

Extreme change in boiler pressure can be a contributing factor. This can happen with a sludge blockage. White Rose Fuels’ Premium Heating Oil can reduce sludge build up and prevent corrosion within your boiler, it can prolong the life of your boiler and make fuel last longer.

A catastrophic component failure within the system may have triggered this safety mode. We would always recommend you call an OFTEC registered technician with ANY questions on your boiler.

 What do I do if I suspect ‘boiler lockout’?

1.       Look for an onscreen fault code

If you still have a boiler manual, see if you can match the code. Alternatively enter the boiler model and error code into Google. Information on this error or videos on what to do next can be found on Youtube.

2.       Press reset

Try pressing the boiler reset button. If you find yourself hitting the reset button on more than one separate occasion, we would suggest you call an OFTEC engineer to get it checked.

3.       Check the oil tank

  • Dip your oil tank to ensure you haven’t run empty.
  • Has your oil level run low? Sludge formed at the bottom of your tank may have entered the boiler system and clogged up components.
  • Check for any exterior damage to pipework.

 How can I prevent ‘boiler lockout’?

·         Make sure your boiler is serviced (at least) annually. At each service ensure the filters are               checked and cleaned.

·         Use the best possible fuels such as our Premium Heating Oil.

 White Rose Fuels Premium Heating Oil contains the additives:

·         Fuel stabilisers

·         Dispersant

·         Corrosion inhibitors

·         Metal deactivators

·         Anti-oxidants

·         Detergents

Click here for more detail on Premium heating Oil.

Amazingly prompt delivery.

Thank you for arranging the amazingly prompt delivery after I’d allowed my tank to completely drain empty; you’re fabulous.

Keep up the fantastic work, thank you!

How can a cold house make you ill?

Age UK recently shared a report showing that cold homes are a “major factor” in two out of five extra winter deaths amongst the elderly. The staggering statistics show that for every drop in temperature degree during the winter, there are an extra 8,000 UK deaths.

The report shines a light on the dangers of badly insulated and poorly-heated homes, claiming responsibility for thousands of extra deaths during the winter months.

snow cold house hills winter

During the cold months, the NHS will spend millions of pounds caring for the elderly suffering with heart attacks, strokes and respiratory problems all brought on by the excessive cold.

In Scandinavian countries such as Sweden, cold-related deaths are lower than in here in Britain, even though in February (Sweden’s coldest month), temperatures there can be as low as – 22 to -3°C. In the north of Sweden, temperatures can even plummet to as low as -30°C!

Winter – Related Infections

Flu is much more prevalent during winter amongst the elderly and young children. Cold temperatures lead to drier air, which can dry out the mucus which helps our bodies to get rid of virus particles.

People living in Britain’s coldest homes are 3 times more likely to die from a cold-related illness. Respiratory disorders are exacerbated by the colder temperatures. Damp conditions may lead to mould within the home, leading to the impairment of respiratory functions.

Blood Pressure / Cardiovascular Disorders

Even your blood pressure can fluctuate with weather temperatures. Higher blood pressure can be a cause of heart attacks, while unstable blood pressure can lead to blood clotting and trigger strokes.

Cardiovascular disorders account for 40% of extra winter deaths.

What is Hypothermia?

Hypothermia occurs when the body’s temperature falls below 35 degrees. Symptoms can include delirium, violent shivering, and even unconsciousness.

Our most vulnerable members of society are at risk of hypothermia throughout winter. Regulating the body’s temperature can be difficult for babies and the elderly, as eating warm food and remaining physically active can be a challenge.

NHS statistics confirm that deaths linked to hypothermia doubled in the past five years, with pensioners being most at risk.

AGE UK have put together this handy web page, offering advice and help to the elderly worried about preparing for the winter.

Helpful and Obliging

Many thanks for your prompt service. Karl the delivery driver is so helpful and obliging.

Many Thanks!

Thank you very much for being such stars yet again – you always save the day, whether it’s rescuing me and the pets from a freezing house or helping me sort out a Direct Debit! Many thanks and all the best wishes!

Mrs E, Cawood

Brilliant customer service

“I just wanted to say thanks for brilliant customer service with this order and setting up the direct debit. The oil was delivered yesterday – thank you for everything you did to speed this up”

Oil Care

The FPS Limited is the trade association for the oil distribution industry and ancillary interests in the UK and the Republic of Ireland. The FPS Ltd are pleased to announce the launch of a new Oil Care website,

Oil colours

The site aims to help the public and businesses find the information they need; to raise environmental awareness relating to oil, to help people look after their oil, to inform the public and businesses about how to avoid causing oil pollution incidents and to increase used oil recovery.

As a member of the Oil Care Campaign, the FPS supports these aims.

Main Aims

The site displays good practice information for home and business owners:

  • to everyone responsible for an oil store – check your tank regularly, what should you look for
  • farmers – advice on how to look after your oil
  • to boat owners and hire companies – it’s important to take care not to let oil reach the water that’s all around you
  • motorists – if you change your own oil you need to dispose of it safely and legally
  • for owners of oil tanks in flood risk areas – make sure your tank can’t float away
  • to protect your oil from theft – safeguard your valuable asset, theft is an increasing issue
  • for people using biodegradable lubricants – what you need to know
  • for people with waste oil – check our good practice advice for when you store, handle or dispose of waste oils

The website has links to legal requirements, the latest news from the OCC and are developing case studies for oil storage and use.

Liz Hobday, Oil Care Campaign Manager, said, “We hope this site will become the go to place for anyone looking for information about how to look after their oil. Across the UK there were over 3,300 oil pollution incidents reported to environmental regulators in 2012; that’s more than 9 every day of the year.

We want to encourage people and businesses to understand how to look after their oil safely and legally, and to realise the value in used oils so that they save money and protect their local environment.”